Thursday, March 6, 2014

Parent Information Regarding MRSA

We received notification that a student (who is on an SFR coop team that practices at VIT) has tested positive for MRSA. In order to keep all parents informed, We are sending home an informational letter for the parents of students in our district. As far as VIT is concerned, the athlete was not in any classrooms. Additionally, areas that the athlete may have spent time in have been sanitized including:
Locker rooms and restrooms - 
Door handles that may or may not have been in the student's path - 
Athletic equipment used by the student -
Practice buses that the student may have been transported on.

We are confident that we have and are taking the necessary steps to best protect students and staff.
If you have any questions - please call the district office at 309-758-5138
Mr. Mike Curry

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Thank You 6th Graders

Last night we recognized our 6th Grade volleyball girls. They played their last home game as Lady Hornets. They will be moving to JH and the SFR Lady Rebel Coop next year. Thank you for your hard work in the "green and white" while at VIT Elementary.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

6th Grade Basketball Final Home Game

Congratulations and Thank You to the 6th grade boys BB team for a great win last night and great effort over their time playing Hornet BB at VIT Elementary!