Friday, February 7, 2014

Central IL Weather - wait 3 minutes and it will change...REALLY

This morning was so frustrating!!! Weather services are amazingly helpful and like most services, prone to some inconsistencies. But this AM was very confusing. Temps in Table Grove varied from -15 to -5 on 3 different sources at several different points in time. Ipava and Vermont varied from
-3 to -10 while Astoria was -3 and Bushnell was -10. This weather is so unpredictable. It is the unpredictability that makes the decision to cancel on days like this - so frustrating and down-right tiring. Today the temps were right on the fence in some parts of the district and in a perfectly safe range in others. So, we fired up the buses, opened the school house doors, and reminded parents of cold weather precautions. We do what we can do. In any event, school is in session. Have a great day and stay warm. I heard 40'a in less than 14 days :)

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