As many of you are already aware (if you aren't - your kids are!)we will be dismissing early on this Friday, September 27th. Students will be released at 11:30 and 11:40. The purpose of a School Improvement Day is to provide some guidance, skill development, training, and or professional development to our staff. The goal of these trainings is to create a more informed and better prepared staff. This Friday, the staff will participate in training on an online gradebook. Once the staff has had a couple of months to practice with the new gradebook, the gradebooks will go live online. Once this happens, parents and students will be able to check grades in real-time at any time of day. Each parent and student will have a unique log-in and password that will allow them to see only grades and attendance figure for themselves and their child(ren). We are excited about his new technology, but we want to make sure we have a working knowledge of all the "bells and whistles" before we open it up to the parents. Also, the elementary staff will receive training on food allergies and Epi-Pen use. We have two other dedicated School Improvement Days scheduled for February and March. The February training will focus on content delivery, core subject alignment, and other instructional practices. I hope this helps you understand what we do here at VIT on School Improvement Days. Have a great day.