Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Almost Time for School to Start

  Another school year is almost here. We are looking forward to the return of our students on August 18th. We will have a full day of school with 2:00 and 2:10 dismissals in the JSHS and Elementary School.  I am looking forward to a second year and continued change.  Our district may be small is size but in 2014-2015, I am making decisions based on the idea that V.I.T. is a place where Education is a BIG Deal. We have continued to add to the quality of the educational environment. With new key staff members, increased technology opportunities, and the implementation of Study Island for 2014-2015, this year will build on the idea that every student’s education is a BIG deal.  
    We have several new staff members for the 2014-2015 school year.  Our new Junior High-High School Principal, Ms. Tracey Korsmeyer, has been an outstanding educator in this district for many years.  Her classroom leadership will carry-over to how she leads her staff and students through the coming year. We are excited to have a veteran member of our staff takeover the leadership role after the retirement of longtime principal, Mr. Phil Snowden. We also have a new dean of students at the Elementary School. Mr. Matt Klaska earned his Masters' in Educational Administration and has been given an opportunity to gain experience working with the administrative team for this school year. Mrs. Melinda Treadway is our new math teacher for the HS. Ms. Kylee Palmer is our new HS English teacher. Mr. Joel Wade is our new HS science teacher. Mr. David Mueller is our new part-time JH/HS math teacher. Mrs. Kristy Boggs is teaching one hour of HS horticulture. Mr. Dave Wilson is teaching JH/HS P.E. Ms. Courtney Richardson is our new Pre-K through 6th grade Speech teacher. Mr. Aaron Bucher is our new Technology Director and is teaching one computer class at the HS.  Ms. Gina Tilton is our new assistant cook at the Elementary School. Mrs. Kris Lascelles is our newest bus driver.
   In addition to staff additions, we have added more laptops for students, we have increased our WIFI areas for staff, students, and community members, Study Island has been implemented for the next three years, Fiber-optic internet has been installed by Mid-Century for the upcoming school year, and we have a new webpage for the district. Our new webpage is www.vit2.org
   Our custodial staff has both buildings ready for our students to return.  The first day of school is always my favorite day of the year. As always, we are open to visits from students, parents, and community members regarding our schools. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or stop-in to discuss them.  
Have a Great Day,
Mr. Mike Curry