Good Morning!
This morning the certified staff of VIT provided an amazing breakfast as a "thank you" to the Educational Support Personnel of VIT schools. The ESPs at VIT include individual and classroom aides, bus drivers, kitchens staff, custodial staff, maintenance and mechanical staff, book-keeping, and secretarial staff. The service of this group of employees is invaluable in the day-to-day operation of our schools, safety of our students, and positive educational atmosphere. Often when people think of schools they think of teachers and principals. In reality, there are many more people who make the system work. Our buses run every day, twice a day just on regular route pick-up and drop-offs. We run a practice bus every evening. Field trips and contests require day time drivers. Of course, someone has to keep those buses runing. We have students who require one-on-one aides to be successful members of our school community. This is sometimes a very challenging job for those who work with the best interests of those students in mind every day. Our kitchen/cafeteria staff create menus and provides lunch and breakfast everyday on a limited budget and with limited staff. The custodial staff keep our buildings clean and sanitary during the day and after hours. The office staff works with the teachers, other ESPs, administration, students, and parents daily. This group has the most direct contact with the most groups of school and community members. These people really are our front-line when it comes to dealing with the public. I truly appreciate the efforts of all of our staff. Today, we celebrate the Educational Support Staff and all they do for VIT CUSD #2
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