Due to the fact that we had a full day of school today, I was able to visit with the 3rd grade and thank them for a great gift I received from them last week. They gave a me book, in which, they detailed their likes and dislikes about VIT. It also included three things I should know about each of them. The book is great! Of course, 90% of the dislikes revolved around heat - to be expected after the last few weeks. To thank them, I went into their classroom and told them three things I like about VIT and one thing I disliked. I told them that I believe small classes were great places to learn. I also, mentioned how happy I was with the teachers in the elementary building. My final "like" for the day was that the kids here are great to be around. They are so polite and well behaved. My one dislike was - HEAT! I then told them them three things they should know about me. I even brought in a show-and-tell item. I brought one of my bicycles for them to look at. It is a pretty cool mountain bike with really big tires. I thought they might like - and they did. I told them that I ride my bike everyday (and they should also), I used to be a high school baseball coach, and I have two children in the VIT school district. I then listen to stories and answered questions for a while. I had a great time interacting with the students and repaying their kindness from earlier in the week.

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